Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I expected to hear quite a bit of political chatter as I stopped by my coffee spot...

I was very surprised to not here a single political word uttered. I don't understand why after such an historical night (let's face it - regardless of which camp you were in, you have to admit that history was made with Obama's election,) people weren't buzzing with conversation. No electricity and excitement over his nomination, no frustration or disappointment over McCain's loss, no laments or vents or validation of anything.

Are people afraid to voice their opinion? Are they afraid to face the fact that the nation is changing? Or maybe is it just that politics is too heavy a subject before the morning cup of coffee?

What do you think?

1 comment:

Amy is a survivor! said...

I don't know what to talk about yet...I am very excited, a little intimidated, and yet so very proud that we have elected Obama. I don't believe he was elected because of his skin tone, but I am happy that the person that America chose this time does not look like all the other choices. Agree or disagree with his politics, I know that America will survive and thrive eventually as she always does, and I am so glad that our president is now a position that can be filled by any American, no matter the skin tone.